You can change any of these settings with Set-TransportServer or Set-MailboxServer. Subject Logging – this is enabled by default and the only reason I’ve ever needed to disable it was when there were some privacy/security concerns for that particular environment. On some of our highest volume servers (eg messaging hub sites, and Edge Transport servers) this path has been changed to a non-OS drive with a lot more free disk space.
#Search mailboxes exchange 2010 install#
Log Path – the default is the same drive as the Exchange 2010 install directory, but you can move this to any path you wish. Max File Size – the default is 10mb and I’ve never seen a need to change this. Consider your server’s disk capacity as well as the impact that more log files has on the amount of time some tracking log searches will take. On most of my servers I’ve increased this to 4Gb and in some cases as much as 10Gb. The default limit is 1Gb but in high volume environments you may find that this limit means logs are purged before they reach the full 30 day max age, because the max directory size overrides the max age setting. Max Directory Size – this is an additional setting for limiting the total size of message tracking logs on your server. However this is entirely up to you, and if your logs are being backed up you can always consider restoring older logs from backup if required. I find sometimes by the time an issue is reported or found that 30 days is not quite enough to be able to search back in time.
You can turn this up or down as required.